What Changes Have Been Made to RCFE Law


In addition to the RCFE training you receive in order to become eligible to work in a nursing home or to become an administrator, there are continuing education opportunities to keep you up to date on what has changed since you took the initial courses. These opportunities are required depending on what level of certification you have. Here is some further information on the changes in laws and training in the field.

Licensing and regulation of residential care facilities for the elderly (RCFEs) is overseen by the California Department of Social Services. The RCFEs include assisted living, retirement homes and board and care homes, and they provide essential services for much of the population’s elderly. A law has recently been changed that affects practices in the workplace at these facilities. The old law stated that a license applicant and RCFE administrator were required to complete certification programs with a minimum of 40 hours of classroom instruction. This gave a certificate that was valid for two years, with re-certification given after 40 hours of continuing education. Staff involved with direct care was to receive 10 hours of initial training within the first four weeks of employment, with an additional 4 hours annually.

The new law, as of 2014, changes the training requirements for certification. Administrators now must take 80 hours of RCFE training. Facilities must also employ trained medical personnel if there are any residents with certain health conditions. Direct staff employees now must complete either 10 or 24 hours of training, depending on the number of residents at the facility. Facilities are also prohibited from retaliating against an employee or resident who calls 911 when a resident is injured.

Laws such as this change frequently as the need for modification in care facilities continues. Important changes like these are why it is so important to do your regular RCFE training and continuing education.

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